United Hampshire US REIT IPO Prospectus & Summary
United Hampshire US Reit launches IPO at US$0.80 per unit
About United Hampshire US REIT
United Hampshire US Real Estate Investment Trust (“United Hampshire US REIT”) is a Singapore REIT established with the principal investment strategy of investing in a diversified portfolio of stabilised income-producing (i) grocery-anchored and necessity-based retail properties (“Grocery & Necessity Properties”), and (ii) modern, climate-controlled self-storage facilities (“Self-Storage Properties”),
located in the United States of America (“U.S.”).
The tenants targeted by United Hampshire US REIT are tenants resilient to the impact of e-commerce,
including but not limited to restaurants, home improvement stores, fitness centers, warehouse
clubs and other uses with strong omni-channel platforms.
- Type = US Grocery Shopping Center & Self Storage
- Sponsor = UOB Capital (50%) & Hamphire Companies, LLC (50%)
- REIT Manager: United Hamsphire US REIT Management Pte Ltd
- Total Unit Offered = 87,829,600
- Portfolio = 18 Grocery and necessity & 4 Self storage (97% freehold)
- Portfolio Size = US$599.2 Million
- IPO Offer Price = US$0.80 (S$1.12)
- NAV per unit = US$0.75
- Price / NAV = 1.067
- Distribution Yield (with Top up) = 7.4% (4.93 US cents for 2020), 7.6% (6.09 US cents for 2021)
- Distribution Yield (without Top up) = 6.4% (4.27 US cents for 2020), 7.0% (5.61 US cents for 2021)
- Distribution Policy = 100% till 2021. At least 90% from 2022 onward. Semi-annual.
- Occupancy Rate = 95.2%
- WALE = 8.4 years
- Gearing Ratio = c. 37.0%
- Offer Closing Date: Mar 10, 2020 at 12:00pm
- Listing Date: Mar 12, 2020 at 2:00pm
- United Hamsphire REIT IPO Prospectus
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