Mapletree Industrial Trust (MIT): Under Watchlist & Entry Planning
Base on the Mapletree Industrial Trust (MIT) Investor Presentation on Mar 11, 2016.
- Last Done Price = $1.60
- Market Cap = $2.88 B
- NAV = $1.33
- Price / NAV = 1.2030 (20% Premium)
- Price / NAV (High) = 1.46
- Price / NAV (Low) = 1.13
- Gearing Ratio = 29.3%
- Occupancy Rate = 94.7%
- WALE = 2.9 Years
- WADM = 4.2 Years
See previous analysis of Mapletree Industrial Trust (MIT) here.
Mapletree Industrial Trust (MIT) Stock Chart and Technical Analysis
Yield and Price/NAV Simulation for Entry Planning
I am combining Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Yield & Price/NAV simulation to determine a safe entry on my REIT investing to Maximize the Return, Protect Initial Capital and Minimize Losses if the market turns bearish. I will be sharing my REIT investing analysis techniques in my course. Check out the Investing in Singapore REIT course here.