Webinar: Opportunities in Singapore Equities for Malaysian (Overseas) investors

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(In Mandarin) I have been invited by Nanyang Business Daily (南洋商报), a Chinese Newspaper published in Malaysia, to give an overview for readers and viewers on Singapore REITs.




11:10 Will Omicron affect the outlook on Singapore REITs, and the global market? Omicron 是否会影响新加坡 REITs 和全球市场的前景? 22:18 新加坡市场概览

22:18 Overview of the Singapore markets 新加坡市场概览

25:40 Introduction to Singapore REITs 新加坡REITs介绍

29:42 Singapore Banks (DBS, OCBC and UOB) 新加坡银行(星展银行、华侨银行和大华银行)

33:20 (Continued) Singapore REITs(续)新加坡 REITs

37:25 The Technology Sector 科技板块

54:35 Bubble Charts 气泡图

55:45 REIT ETFs

58:43 ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) for Singapore REITs 新加坡 REITs 的 ESG(环境、社会和治理)



隔海相望南洋之”星“ 细数狮城投资机会! 创富财今LIVE开播后一直都在研究本地市场,本期我们冲出海外,看看邻国新加坡的股市有什么“好康头”! 众所周知,新加坡一直都是东南亚的模范生,除了是区域内的唯一发达经济体,国内还孕育了不少科技独角兽公司,新元也是长期强势的货币。 至于新加坡的股市可以为大马投资者带来什么选择?我们请到新交所学院讲师罗国强,以及有涉猎研究马新两国股市的财经博主陈凯贤来为大家讲解。


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Free Upcoming Webinars on Investing in REITs

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I have a coming up Mandarin webinar with Tiger Brokers presenting to a group of China investors on Monday (Sep 27, 2021).

I will be sharing the New Economy REIT which benefited from the Digitalisation of the economy. This will be the new growth area in the REIT space. Click on the image to watch it live! Event starts at 8pm.



I am also conducting a free SGX Webinar on Nov 11, 2021 – How to Build a REIT Portfolio into a Retirement Plan at 7.30pm. Click on the image to find out more!



Can’t make it for the above? Join the Telegram channel now for the latest REIT news and future events.


Want to start your own investment portfolio, or a portfolio review? Schedule a one-to-one consultation with me! First consultation is free.


Continue ReadingFree Upcoming Webinars on Investing in REITs

Webinar – Kenny’s Investment theme for the next 5 years

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In InvestFair 2021, topics such as Cyber Security, Digital Investment, Investments in China, Millenial-driven trends etc were touched on as potential avenues to invest in. Other investment-related topics such as Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) were also touched on.


In addition to these, there are also sectors that Kenny thinks are worth considering, such as the rise of 5G mobile networks, Alternative Investments (such as cryptocurrency) etc. In this webinar, Kenny Loh, a Senior Consultant and REITs Specialist of Singapore’s top Independent Financial Advisor, covers his investment strategy in 2021. For example, 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) can affect many industrial sectors. (Timestamp 34:37)


Excerpt of a slide explaining 5G, and the effects it will have on global industries.


Kenny Loh also touched on Alternative Investments, specifically Cryptocurrency as a form of investment. Do you know that there are many different types of Cryptocurrency, with different uses such as a form of payment/currency (e.g Dogecoin, Electroneum), Fintech (e.g Ripple, Stellar ), smart contracts (Ethereum), and more? (timestamp: 51:46)


A table showing the different types of cryptocurrencies, and the many uses it has.


In addition to these, he covers events that will affect markets worldwide, including the impact that 5G will have on current markets, the COVID-19 pandemic, China growth, Emerging Market growth, Artificial Intelligence etc. He will also cover the many different types of Investments in 2021, from alternative investments such as Cryptocurrency and Gold, to Investment Properties such as REITs and Unit Trusts, and how to start building your very own portfolio. 




Complementary Consultation session by an Independent Financial Advisor

Want to start building your own investment portfolio, or don’t know how to start investing? Book a consultation now!




11:55 Start of Webinar

12:32 About Kenny Loh

13:52 Introduction: things to take note of

15:01 Investment Strategy

19:23 Summary of the Current Macro Environment

22:30 Thematic Portfolio 2021 (& explanation of Investment Portfolio)

26:01 Thematic Investing 2021 (Core Portfolio and Satellite Portfolio)

27:35 China’s Growth Story

29:43 China Equity

31:07 Technological Disruption

32:42 Artificial Intelligence

34:37 5G Networks

39:33 Internet of Things (IoT)

40:27 Effects of 5G

42:50 APAC ex Japan Equity

43:30 Financial Sector

44:45 Emerging Markets

47:41 Private Equity

49:01 Singapore REITs

50:22 Gold

51:46 Cryptocurrency

54:28 Uses for cryptocurrency

1:00:25 Digital Currency Funds

1:02:17 Thematic Portfolio 2021 (Past Year Performance)

1:03:29 Thematic Portfolio Example (Kenny’s own portfolio)

1:04:29 Why and who should build a diversified portfolio?

1:06:15 How to build a diversified portfolio? (and ways to do it)

1:09:03 How to start investing now?

1:11:23 End of Webinar

1:12:49 Advisory and managed account services


Start of Q&A

1:14:39 Why is there a rotation from big cap industrial REITs to other stocks?

1:17:06 Will you manage accounts for your clients?

1:18:59 Mapletree REITs got beaten down this year. Is it a good time to buy?

1:20:31 Which REITs sectors do you think will be bullish in the near term?

1:22:15 What would be the minimum amount required for your advisory service and/or managed account service?

1:25:08 Are you looking only into Unit Trusts and not Stocks/ETFs?

1:27:39 Right now, is the market focused on recovery or inflation?

1:29:25 What is your personal view on the spike of yield spread and how to take advantage of it?

1:31:25 If  I already have an investment portfolio, will you help to advise on my portfolio as part of your advisory service?

1:33:01 Gold prices have dropped substantially recently. Do you see a rebound on the gold price soon?

1:34:20 What are the fees for the advisory/managed account services?

1:35:05 Do you have any cryptocurrency assets in your portfolio and what percentage?

1:37:45 I noticed that you did not include US in your asset allocation. Is that true?


Kenny Loh is a Senior Consultant and REITs Specialist of Singapore’s top Independent Financial Advisor. He helps clients construct diversified portfolios consisting of different asset classes from REITs, Equities, Bonds, ETFs, Unit Trusts, Private Equity, Alternative Investments and Fixed Maturity Funds to achieve an optimal risk adjusted return. Kenny is also a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, SGX Academy REIT Trainer, Certified IBF Trainer of Associate REIT Investment Advisor (ARIA) and also invited speaker of REITs Sympsosium and Invest Fair. 

You can join my Telegram channel #REITirement – SREIT Singapore REIT Market Update and Retirement related news. https://t.me/REITirement

Continue ReadingWebinar – Kenny’s Investment theme for the next 5 years