We have the 4 Heavenly King REITs in 2020!
The best performing REITs YTD 2020 are all from Industrial Sector.
- Keppel DC REIT
- Mapletree Industrial Trust
- Mapletree Logistic Trust
- Ascendas REIT
Market Cap Comparison – Source: Stock Cafe REIT Overview
Technical Charts – All 4 Heavenly King REITs broke NEW HIGH!
Fundamental Data Comparison – Source: Stock Cafe Kenny’s REIT Table
Interestingly, 3 of 4 Heavenly King REITs have Data Centers in their portfolio which command a huge premium to their book value.
- Keppel DC REIT (P/B =2.55)
- Mapletree Industrial Trust (P/B = 2.01)
- Mapletree Logistic Trust (P/B = 1.77)
- Ascendas REIT (P/B = 1.61)
Besides Data Center, another new sector and exciting asset class Student Accommodation will be coming to Singapore soon! I am organising an Education webinar on Aug 5,2020 to my loyal blog readers so that you guys have 1st hand information or training about this new sector Student Accommodation. The knowledge enables you to identify good investment opportunity if there is any.