Bubble charts derived from Dec 3, 2018 Singapore REITs Fundamental Comparison Table. Two observations compared to last Bubble Charts.
(1) There are a few REITs move further from right to left of the Price/NAV axis due to rights issue (e.g. Keppel KBS REIT and Cromwell REIT) and price sell off (FIRST REIT). The distribution yield is also getting very attractive. This indicates some REITs are getting cheap based on valuation. Note: Distribution yield is lagging.
(2) There are no significant changes in gearing ratio.
These Bubble Charts are used to show the “relative” position compare to other Singapore REITs.
Two visual bubble charts to pick and avoid:
- Undervalue Singapore REITs with High Distribution Yield** (Value Pick)
- Overvalue Singapore REITs with High Gearing Ratio (Risk Avoidance)
** Distribution Yield are lagging.
Compared to previous Singapore REIT Bubble Charts here.
Disclaimer: The analysis is for Author own use and NOT to be used as Buy / Sell recommendation. Get a proper training on “How to use this Singapore REIT Bubble Charts?” here.
Check below on other events:
https://mystocksinvesting.com/course/singapore-reits-investing/REITs Investing Course
https://mystocksinvesting.com/course/private-portfolio-review/REITs Portfolio Advisory