14 Jun 2021
Money and Me: An overview of the REIT performance
On Money and Me, Michelle Martin is joined by Kenny Loh, REIT Specialist and Independent Financial Advisor to discuss an overview of the REIT performance to date, some of the best performing and worst performing REITs, and City Developments Limited application for an initial public offering of a real estate investment trust with commercial assets located in Britain.
- Effect of COVID-19 measures relaxing on S-REITs
- Best and worst performing S-REITs
- CDL filing for a Singapore REIT IPO on London commercial assets

Listen to his previous market outlook interviews here:
- Money and Me: S-REIT’s: which are most likely and which least likely to be affected by new social restrictions?
- Money and Me: What’s the link between bond yields and S-REITs? (April 2021)
- Money and Me: REITS that did well in 2020 (December 2020)
- Money and Me: An overview of S-REITS, value rotations and REITS paying out higher dividends (November 2020)
- Money and Me: Yield Generating Asset Classes (October 2020)
- Money and Me: The REIT outlook within and beyond Singapore (August 2020)
- Money and Me: Ugly Duckling Earnings turning into Beautiful S- Reit swans? (July 2020)
- Money and Me: V for S-REITs? (June 2020)
- Money and Me: Will revenge spending help REITs? (May 2020)
- Money and Me: What REITs to Look out for? (April 2020)
- Money and Me: Crazy REIT Sales (March 2020)
Kenny Loh is a Senior Consultant and REITs Specialist of Singapore’s top Independent Financial Advisor. He helps clients construct diversified portfolios consisting of different asset classes from REITs, Equities, Bonds, ETFs, Unit Trusts, Private Equity, Alternative Investments and Fixed Maturity Funds to achieve an optimal risk adjusted return. Kenny is also a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, SGX Academy REIT Trainer, Certified IBF Trainer of Associate REIT Investment Advisor (ARIA) and also invited speaker of REITs Sympsosium and Invest Fair.
You can join my Telegram channel #REITirement – SREIT Singapore REIT Market Update and Retirement related news. https://t.me/REITirement