After Episode 1 of Crazy REITs Sales, we have entered into Episode 2 of Crazy REITs Rally!
Catch Kenny Loh on MoneyFM 89.3 with Michelle Martin on how to navigate your REITs investment in this challenging period and what are the risks & opportunities out there!
Measures unveiled to help Reits through ‘challenging’ Covid-19 period
(1) Gearing increases from 45% to 50% with immediate effect
(2) Extend the timeline for S-Reits to distribute at least 90 per cent of their taxable income from three months to 12 months (after the end of FY2020) to qualify for tax transparency.
Listen to this morning Radio Interview on the impacts on REITs and Investors due to the new measures.
Listen to previous Radio Interview “Crazy REITs Sales” here.
Kenny Loh can be contacted through email if investors need any help in building a diversified REIT portfolio during this volatile period. Advisory Fee applied.
Kenny Loh is a Senior Consultant and REITs Specialist of Singapore’s top Independent Financial Advisor. He helps clients construct diversified portfolios consisting of different asset classes from REITs, Equities, Bonds, ETFs, Unit Trusts, Private Equity, Alternative Investments and Fixed Maturity Funds to achieve an optimal risk adjusted return. Kenny is also a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, SGX Academy REIT Trainer, Certified IBF Trainer of Associate REIT Investment Advisor (ARIA) and also invited speaker of REITs Sympsosium and Invest Fair.
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