1st Year Yield of Singapore Saving Bond Hit 2%!

This is the first time 1st year yield of Singapore Saving Bonds (SSB) hit 2%, for GX19010T.


I use Singapore Saving Bonds as the parking facility for my emergency fund. Emergency fund is one of an important aspect in personal financial planning.

Advantage of Singapore Saving Bonds as Emergency Fund Parking Facility

  1. Guaranteed by Singapore government with AAA credit rating
  2. Virtually zero risk and arguably safer than putting your money in saving accounts of any banks.
  3. No price volatility.
  4. 1 month redemption period with no penalty.
  5. No lock in period.
  6. You can keep your money in SSB and interest rate will automatic increase year over year.
  7. Interest payout every 6 months.
  8. Starting amount as low as $500

You can check out this Singapore Saving Bond website for more detail.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Phua Poo Juan

    Earn some good interest for long term investment

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