Fundamental Analysis of Fortune REIT:
- Last Price = HKD$6.67
- NAV = HKD$10.24
- Price / NAV = 0.6513
- Price / NAV (52 Weeks High) = 0.832
- Price / NAV (52 Weeks Low) = 0.5663
- Distribution Yield = 5.38%
- Gearing Ratio = 32.9%
- Occupancy Rate = 99.3%
- Base on Mar 31 Presentation.
Technically Fortune REIT has started an uptrend after breaking out from a Falling Wedge and trade above the 200D SMA. 20D and 50D SMA are trending up.
Compare with other Singapore REITs, Fortune REIT is traded at the huge discount (35% to NAV). However the yield is not very attractive. There are better options with Value Pick and Risks Avoidance Singapore REITs, in terms of distribution yield and gearing ratio at the current price.
If you want to invest in Singapore REIT to generate passive income and totally confused with my analysis, you may want to check out about my Singapore REIT Investing public workshop here. It is better and safer to invest in the knowledge first before throwing the money into stock market by selecting the wrong REIT and investing in the wrong time.