China Zaino – Fundamental & Intrinsic Value
Base on Q2, 2009 financial report:
- PE = 3.5
- Dividend Yield = 5.8%
- NAV = $0.288
- Net Earning = 15.6% (18.3% in 2008)
- Current Ratio = 5.7
- ROA = 31.7% (Base on 2008 Full Year)
- ROE = 36.3% (base on 2008 Full Year)
- Cash Flow = S$199.8 Million (27% increase with reference to 2008 Full Year)
Stock Background
- 3 years historal high = $0.615
- Current Price = $0.30 (only 49% of 3 years high)
Intrinsic Value Calculation
PE Model
- Fair value PE = 15, intrinsic value= $1.23 (base on EPS $0.08185)
- PEG = 0.24 (it looks like super under value!)
DCF Model
- Growth Rate = 15% (capped)
- Discount Rate = 5%
- Number of Shares = 945 million
- 2008A Net Operating Cash Flow = S$55.893 million, intrinsic value = $1.01
Discounted EPS Model
- Growth Rate = 15% (capped)
- Discount Rate = 5%
- 2009F EPS = $0.08185
- Intrinsic Value = $1.40
Intrinsic Value for China Zaino (the most conservative number of the three numbers) = $1.01 (Current price is 70% discount to the intrinsic value!)