The Four Core Financial Statements

If you are Value Investor and doing Fundamental Analysis in your stock selection, you have to know:

  • Balance Sheet
  • Income Statement (Profit & Loss)
  • Cashflow Statement

However, you just need to selectively know what are the key financial information and financial ratio for the Fundamental Analysis of Stock Investing. You don’t need to know everything.

You can view this video to have the basic understanding of what is the core of the financial statement. I know it is tough and you will see ***STARS*** if you do not have any accounting and financial background but this can be learned. I was electronics engineering trained but I understand those financial statement pretty well now, after seeing many rounds of STARS when I get started. What you need to do is to learn and practise oftenly when doing your Fundamental Analysis of your stock. If I can do it, you definitely can do it!

Enjoy the “Star”! 🙂



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